APAW President Cindy Case Wins VA Federation of Humane Society’s Bravo Award

AwardAmelia County Animal Control Administrative Assistant and current Amelia Patrons for Animal Welfare, Inc. President (APAW) Cindy Case received yet another award for her life-saving efforts for the homeless dogs and cats from the Amelia area at the 2015 Virginia Federation of Humane Societies (VFHS) annual conference. Cindy received the VFHS BRAVO award at the conference held in Fredricksburg on Friday, March 20th. The BRAVO award was established in 1992 by former VFHS President Elizabeth Sills to recognize an individual who has demonstrated a commitment of outstanding service to promote animal welfare, who has been instrumental in making an impact within an animal welfare organization, and who is a reflection of the values and standards set forth by the Virginia Federation of Humane Societies. The VFHS is a membership organization that was founded in 1959 with the primary goals of addressing the issues of animal cruelty and pet overpopulation within the Commonwealth of Virginia and to foster humane attitudes through education. Nominated by Amelia County Animal Control Officer Brian Wootton and selected by her peers in the animal rescue arena, Cindy was chosen because of her tireless and selfless dedication to saving the lives of lost, abandoned and stray pets. Congratulations Cindy! To adopt a new pet or help Cindy in her efforts, contact the Amelia County Animal Shelter at 561-3878 or amelianimalshelter@ameliacova.com.

May 25, 2015 | 0 | Uncategorized

Two Homeless Dogs from Amelia Fly To New York For 2nd Chance

Cindy and Pilot Bob



An exciting program called Pilots N Paws made it possible for 2 homeless Pit
Bull Terriers named Christopher and Cocoa from the Amelia County Animal Shelter to fly to a rescue organization in New York where they will get a second chance at finding a forever home. Thanks to the generosity of pilots and plane owners, homeless animals in shelters all over the United States are receiving this second chance by being flown from areas with too many pets to places where there are new homes waiting to welcome them.
Recent Virginia Animal Control Officer’s Association Presidential award winner Cindy Case, (who is also the Amelia County Animal Control Administrative Assistant and an APAW member), coordinated with Horseheads Animal Shelter in Horseheads, New York, who agreed to rescue the 2 dogs and two generous pilots from Hagerstown, MD, who agreed to fly the dogs to New York. So on Wednesday, July 16th, Cindy delivered Christopher and Cocoa to the Chesterfield County airport where she loaded them on the airplane with Bob & Tom and sent them off on their new adventure!
Christopher and Cocoa are the 5th and 6th dogs from the Amelia County Animal Shelter to be flown to other states for a new home through the Pilots N Paws program. On December 12, 2009, Huckleberry the homeless Hound was the first dog to fly from Chesterfield to Ohio, and on June 20, 2010, Tony the homeless Hound became the second recipient of a flight from Lynchburg to Ohio. Then in July 2012, Mr. Spots was flown from the Chesterfiled airport to Lumbertown, NC, where he continued his journey by ground to a rescue in Florida, followed by Milly, the Beagle, who flew from the Chesterfield airport to a Beagle rescue in NJ in October 2013.
Excerpts from an e mail to Cindy from the pilot who transported Tony the Hound stated “He was an absolute pleasure to fly with for the entire 2 hour and 45 minute trek home.” “It was a great experience for Heidi” (his girlfriend) “and I and a great feeling to know that I could help save a dog’s life…It gives me a sense of purpose for taking a plane up and going flying, other than just for my own personal enjoyment.”
More information on this exciting animal rescue program can be found at www.pilotsnpaws.org. which is intended to be a meeting place for those who rescue, shelter or foster animals, and pilots and plane owners willing to assist with the transportation of animals.
The animals available for adoption from the Amelia County Animal Shelter can be viewed at www.petfinder.org/shelters.VA73.html.

Aug 12, 2014 | 0 | Uncategorized

APAW Member Cindy Case Receives VACA’s 2013 President’s Award


APAW Board member and current Secretary Cindy Case was recently presented the Virginia Animal Control Association’s (VACA) 2013 President’s Award by VACA President Robert C. Leinberger Jr. at the Amelia County Animal Shelter where Cindy works part-time. The President’s award recognizes a citizen who has assisted animal control on a local level. Amelia County Animal Control Officer (ACO) Randy Leonard nominated Cindy for the award for her diligent efforts in finding homes for the shelter animals. Cindy was unable to attend the 2013 VACA conference in Blacksburg where the awards were presented so Mr. Leinberger came to Amelia to present the award. In attendance for the presentation were Mr. Leinberger, Amelia County Administrator A. Taylor Harvie III, Amelia County ACO Randy Leonard, APAW member Patty Averett, special friend Ben Underwood and Wayne Russell, Editor of The Amelia Bulletin Monitor newspaper. ACO Leonard said “I’m so proud of her. She really deserved the award.”

Nov 27, 2013 | 0 | Uncategorized